G8 v2 - Gates expander
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You can attach up to four G8 expander to a DROID master. It will give you eight additional gate jacks. Each of these gate jacks...
- can be used as an input or as an output. This is switchable in your DROID patch.
- outputs either 0V or 5V when used as on output.
- will see a high gate when used as an input and the input voltage is above 0.75V
- cannot output continous CV voltages like the output of the master.
In your DROID patch the jacks are addressed via G1, G2, G3, ... G8. If you work with more than one G8, you need to use a dot notation and write the number of the G8 in the chain before the dot. So the gate 5 on expander 3 would be G3.5. You are also allowed to use that for the first G8 or if you just have one G8 (e.g. G1.5).
Shipping includes a short ribbon cable for connecting the G8 to the master.
- Current Draw: 41 mA +12V | 0 mA -12V | 0 mA 5V
- Width: 4 HP
- Depth: 23 mm